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All across our cities and all across our nation, children seem to be in a place of turmoil and in a state of unrest—some of them are so disrespectful—in some cases even heartless. Why is this? And, what is causing them to operate from such a violent state?

Some of them are acting out in ways that many of us coming up in the 50’s, 60’s or 70’s would have never given a second thought to doing the things they are doing today.


As a mother and a educator, I could not stand by idly and at the very least say something. In some cases, I have been able to redirect their attention to do something more positive with their lives—but in all of my efforts, I’m finding that what’s missing in their lives isn’t something I can give them—However, there is someone who can. I share my findings and everything that I have learned as a mother in my latest release—America—what’s Really Going On?


In writing this exploratory piece, I, myself was enlightened and healed in many ways. I hoped that in my sharing, you will experience that and more and to be able to make the difference in and around you.

America What's Really Going On? (Paperback)

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